3 Ways to Send Large Files by Email Securely

If you have ever tried to send a large file over the internet, you know that it is not as easy as just pressing a button.

3 Ways to Send Large Files by Email Securely

If you have ever tried to send a large file over the internet, you know that it is not as easy as just pressing a button. There are several ways to transfer files, and some methods will be more effective than others depending on the size of your file and how quickly you need it sent.

Via Email

Email is the most popular way to communicate online. When you want to send a large file over email, you will find it is not so easy to do. The attachment size limit for almost all email services is 25MB.

We can’t send files over 25MB size through our email service, such as Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo mail etc. Emails have in-built features that search files for potentially harmful content like executable files. Once detected, the file is flagged and blocked from being sent.

File Transfer Sites

Every so often, you need to send a file that’s too big for emails, such as a large presentation or graphic. There are service providers who specialize in this specific feature.


Dropbox is a file storage and sharing service that allows users to upload and save files. Dropbox users may also share files with others by providing them with a link to the file, which they can then download. If you’re going to send a huge file by email, you might want to think about utilizing dropbox instead.

Dropbox has a file size restriction of 10GB, significantly more than the usual email attachment size. If you need to transmit many files at once, Dropbox’s sharing features make it simple to send a link that contains all of them at once.

Google Drive

Google Drive is a free storage service that lets you access, organize and edit files across all your devices. Start with 15GB of free storage, which you can use to store videos, photos and files in Google Drive. Google Docs, Sheets & Slides are built right into Google Drive so that you can work together in real-time on documents, spreadsheets and presentations.

With Google Drive on the web and the Android app, you can open and edit Microsoft Office documents. You can access your Google Drive files on the go, and you can even create documents while offline. Google Drive comes with 15 GB of free storage space, but you can also add more storage space to your account by getting a G Suite membership. This will give you 1 TB of storage space for $10 per month.

File Transfer Protocols

FTP is a method of transferring files and data between a client and server on a computer network using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). An FTP client software package provides a user interface for an FTP server. An FTP server is typically accessible from the internet, allowing anyone with an Internet connection to upload or download files from it.

When it comes to sending files, we can use a few methods. The most popular method is to use a file transfer protocol. FTPs are great because they are very simple and easy to use. They are also designed to transfer files over the internet, making them ideal for file-sharing. FTPs can be broken down into several categories, each with its own set of unique properties.

If you have a large file that needs to be sent, it’s important to ensure it is secure. Using these tips will ensure that your sensitive information remains protected and that your email gets directly into the hands of its intended recipient without interference.

The Veltec Networks’ team has years of experience in IT outsourcing and we are more than happy to help you with your needs. If you would like us to review the security of your current email infrastructure, please contact us today for a one-on-one meeting to review your complete IT outsourcing needs.

Special thanks to Ulistic client, 4BIS.COM, a great Cincinnati IT services company for their help with this article.

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