Is Your Oracle Database Not Being Supported By Your Application Provider?

Without your data, you can’t operate.

Is your database being supported so that you can work on projects and get through your day-to-day tasks without any productivity and revenue-killing disruptions?

Veltec Networks is dedicated to making sure your data is always available to you.

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The Proactive Method: Solving Problems Before They Happen

We’re not going to wait for something to go wrong before we jump into action.

Instead, we’ll regularly check up on the health of your database and find and fix any issues before they become a real problem, so you won’t have to deal with near as much downtime.

What does less downtime mean for you?

Well, less downtime means your employees have more access to the tools and data they need to get their jobs done, which in turn means more work will get done, projects will be completed faster, and you’ll have an easier time meeting and exceeding your revenue goals.

Oracle: The Crème de la Crème

We hate to pick favorites, but in our humble opinion no database will serve your business better than Oracle. There’s good reason why 22 of the top 25 software companies use Oracle rather than some other database solution (and they would know, right?): it’ll allow you to reduce your IT budget while improving system performance, and it’ll also help you come up with more cost-effective (and actually effective) sales and marketing strategies.

Oracle is also among the most difficult databases to master. But we’ve invested the necessary time and attention into training our staff to be true experts in Oracle. We can implement, maintain, and upgrade your Oracle applications better than any IT company on San Jose.

While the competition takes a jack of all trades, master of none approach by trying to support every database under the sun, we’ve focused our efforts on the database we believe is best for you.

Oracle Support

Contact us at (408) 849-4441 or for more information about our database support services.

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