The Ten Essential Steps For Successful IT Project Deployments

Successful IT Project Deployments Are No Simple Task.

IT project deployments

IT project deployments require the skill and expertise of professionals, like those at Veltec Networks, who can ensure the following from start to finish.

  1. Define benchmarks and metrics for success: We identify different touch-points prior to the test phase of any IT Project Deployment to ensure consistent patterns of work throughout each phase. Plus, we’ll define the essential metrics that we’ll use to measure our success at the end of the project.
  2. Perform all major work during non-peak hours: This minimizes the chance that our activities will disrupt your business operations.
  3. Communicate to your key personnel throughout all phases of the deployment: We’ll ensure all appropriate personnel are informed about the work we’re doing before and during at each phase of deployment.
  4. Document each step along the way and share it with your key personnel: We clearly define and document step-by-step instructions for setting up and configuring the deployment, with any required revisions along the way.
  5. Define and mitigate any risks: Our professionals will identify any perceived risks and define how to avert them.
  6. Identify required resources, roles and repeatable patterns: This eliminates any uncertainties regarding necessary equipment, each person’s role, and repeatable patterns that are required for your successful IT Project Deployment.
  7. Plan for every detail that’s involved: This includes a checklist of all logistics and essentials that will be required during the deployment (e.g., access codes, emergency contacts, wiring schemes, server rack reorganization, etc.).
  8. Test our design and implementation plan beforehand: We’ll test configuration variations and deployment scenarios to ensure our proposed deployment closely replicates your desired production environment.
  9. Create and document a backup and recovery plan: This will ensure your business can recover quickly and easily if we encounter any problems during the deployment. The backup and recovery plan will be tested in our test-phase environment.
  10. Verify success: After the test phase is complete, we’ll determine the success of our IT Project Deployment by comparing it to the essential metrics defined at the beginning of the project. Once success is verified, we’re ready for deployment.

When the IT Project Deployment is complete, our professionals will continually monitor your system remotely for any issues that may occur. They will be there for you every step of the way and afterwards, to ensure the total success of your deployment.

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For more information about successful IT project deployments, contact Veltec Networks.

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