Don’t Miss Your FREE Security Checkup and 2GB of Drive Space on February 9th

Safer Internet DayIf you haven’t heard, Tuesday, February 9th 2016 marks the annual Safer Internet Day, and Google will be celebrating (again) by offering a reward of 2GB of additional Drive space for everyone who is willing to participate in a simple security check up. Free storage in exchange for a free security scan that will increase the security of your account… How cool is that!

Click Here For Your Security Checkup 

I know what you are thinking, exactly how long will this security scan take? The security audit itself only takes a couple of minutes, and requires you to sift through your account permissions, recovery options, trusted devices, and 2- step verification settings.

If everything seems in order in terms of security issues, your next step is simply to read through Google’s Staying Safe tips, (this is not something you want to skip, it has some great tips on keeping your data safe) and click the OK button. Shortly after, Google will credit your account with your 2GB of free storage. Too easy!

If after you complete the security scan, you do not see your 2GB storage credit right away, don’t panic. Google is anticipating an even larger turnout than last years free Drive space giveaway, so it can take up to 24 hours for the system to process your request and verify that you have completed the check up before the credit shows up on your account. It’s a very rare occurrence that we are offered something this great for free, so don’t miss out!

Is your sensitive data being thoroughly protected? Veltec Networks specializes in taking care of all of your information technology needs – from security to maintenance to support. Call us today at (408) 849-4441 or send an email to to schedule an introductory no obligation consultation with one of our experts.

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