Data Breaches Resulting from Disgruntled Employees Are on the Rise! What Happens to Sensitive Business Data When an Employee Leaves the Company?

It’s never easy to let go of an employee, but sometimes, it simply has to be done; whether you’ve fired the employee or the employee decided to move on to another company. So what happens to your sensitive business data when an employee leaves the company? Is it necessary to involve an IT support company while saying goodbye to an employee?

Here’s the simplest answer: it’s absolutely necessary to involve an IT support company! Why? Well, when an employee leaves the company, it’s fundamental to prevent the employee from accessing the company’s network, applications, and data.

In a World Where Information Equals Power – Don’t Allow Your Employees to Use Personal Dropbox Accounts on Corporate Devices!

As you’re probably aware, information equals power; and as online file sharing solutions become more popular than ever before, it’s easy for you to allow employees to share and distribute information. As a result, it’s easy for employees leaving the company to use information in an inappropriate or harmful manner!

Dropbox, for instance, presents significant security, business, and legal risks to your company. Now you’re probably wondering, what risks should I be worried about? When an employee leaves the company, there’s no control over the data, and who has access to the data, stored in the popular file sharing solution. In fact, Dropbox doesn’t offer any form of visibility or control over the data stored and transmitted via mobile devices!

Of course, there’s also a few more file sharing solutions that present significant risks to your business, including:

  • Filedropper
  • net
  • Rapidshare
  • SmartFile
  • SugarSync
  • And many more

So how do you mitigate data risks when terminating or letting go of employees? Here’s a few simple but effective tips:

  1. Plan ahead: Always plan ahead and be proactive instead of reactive. If you’re using a file sharing solution, make sure it’s encrypted before allowing employees to use the solution.
  2. Monitor activity: You should always be able to monitor activity and track your files to see who’s accessed, deleted, or shared the files you’re storing and transmitting via a file sharing solution.
  3. Revoke access: Make sure the file sharing solution you’re using allows you to revoke access to data, whether an employee loses their mobile device or an employee is terminated.

Looking for a secure file sharing solution to prevent the misuse of data in the event of an employee termination? Give us a call at (408) 849-4441 or send us an email at Veltec Networks can help you prepare for the unexpected and keep your business data secure.

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