Public Cloud Services and the Electronic Communications Privacy Act
There’s no denying the convenience of Dropbox, iCloud, and other various public cloud services. However, according to the law, any electronic communications data stored online[...]
What You Need To Know About Apple’s New Apps for Businesses
& How to Connect Your MAC to Windows Computers and Servers. From notebooks and desktops to iPhones and iPads, Apple offers an incredible lineup of products[...]
The Importance of Information Technology in the Retail Sector
With the increasing globalization of retailing, both in terms of their points-of-sale and their points-of-supply; the information technology (IT) spend in the retail sector has[...]
Fulfilling the Priorities of an Architectural Firm Through the Use of Information Technology
The architectural and engineering services industry is compiled of establishments primarily engaged in the process of providing architectural, engineering, and related services such as structure[...]
Do Plumbers Need Great Computer Services?
Information Technology Improves Business Operations in the Plumbing Industry If you’re in the plumbing industry, you already know that it’s not that easy. It can[...]
IT For Architectural Firms – Is Your IT Professional Up To Speed With?
Outsourcing IT allows architectural firms the ability to utilize state-of-the-art technologies and technical skills that would otherwise be unavailable without an outsourced IT provider. When[...]
Dropbox Might Be Convenient, But is it Secure?
Did you know that cybercriminals have the ability to take passwords from a user’s account and reuse it to log into another site? That means[...]
October is National Cyber-Security Awareness Month Have You Conducted Your IT Security Action Plan?
The availability of the Internet has benefitted our businesses in so many ways. We can communicate easily to employees, vendors and clients, work collaboratively with[...]
New Google Search Algorithm. Will it change SEO as we know it?
Google Reveals Its New “Hummingbird” Search Algorithm In an attempt to keep up with the evolution of Internet usage, Google has revamped its search algorithm—the[...]
A New Form of Ransomware Targets Mac Computers As Well As PCs
Ransomware is malware used specifically for cyber data kidnapping. Cryptolocker, an updated form of ransomware, is used by cybercriminals to encrypt a victim’s data with[...]
Protecting Your Company Secrets and Data
With any business, there are many security challenges that continually arise in a variety of forms. Sometimes, it’s your company secrets—in other instances it’s your[...]
Law Firms Today Must Adopt Up-To-Date IT Practices To Stay Competitive and Protect Client Data
Law firms have two primary motivations when implementing new information technology (IT). To help them analyze diverse and extensive amounts of data, and to increase[...]