Did you know most IT issues that cannot be found through preventative maintenance are at the workstation level?
These issues are quick and easy to fix, it’s simply a matter of having the right team of help desk professionals there to help you[...]
Hold Security Reports A Russian Crime Ring Has Stolen Over a Billion Internet Passwords – Has Your IT Been Compromised?
Hold Security, a firm based in Milwaukee, has reported to the New York Times that they’ve discovered a massive theft of confidential data gathered from[...]
Should You Use a Temporary Credit Card for Online Transactions?
After the recent series of scandals in the United States involving credit card data theft, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security warned retailers about a[...]
Are You Effectively Wiping Your Old Smartphone Data?
Are you nostalgic about all the cell phones you’ve acquired in your lifetime? Do you ever consider selling your old devices on third-party platforms or[...]
5 Tips to Save you From a Printing Disaster
We’ve all been there, your printer runs out of ink when you need it the most causing you to resort to wacky colours for your[...]
Windows 7 and 8 Differences – Which Operating System Should You Choose?
Windows XP is officially over. Using Windows XP will now put you at greater risk of cyber threats because any new vulnerability will go unpatched. [...]
Veltec Networks Resolves a Severe Malware Infection to Ensure Optimal Productivity & Minimized Downtime for a Client!
As a leading IT support company in the San Francisco Bay Area, Veltec Networks strives to provide the IT services & support necessary to help[...]
5 Useful Tips to Get Your Business Started on the Best Security Strategies
Small businesses are becoming a greater target for cybercrime everyday due to their limited system security. Cyber threats can put our sensitive information, finances, identity,[...]
Lessons to Take From the IRS Email Disappearance Scandal
Conflicts in the IRS began May of 2013. Ex-IRS tax-exempt chief Lois Lerner felt the agency was unjustly scrutinizing applicants seeking tax breaks. Lerner stepped[...]
A Church in the East Bay Trusts Veltec Networks to Setup a Reliable Wireless Network to Enhance the Experience for Those Who Attend Services!
In today’s technology-driven world, many churches are starting to leverage technology to reach out to larger audiences while enhancing the experience for those who attend[...]
Why Two-Step Verification is Important Today & 4 Easy Ways of Producing a Strong Password
In the growing age of technology, almost all financial, business, and personal relations are handled online. What risk does this put our generation in? Are[...]
Recent Study at Kaspersky Lab Shows Shocking Results! – Is Your Business Informed on Virtual Server Security Threats?
Virtual servers are becoming an on-going tool in the business enterprise world. They take the place of traditional servers that run only one operating system[...]