Are You an Email Expert?

Do people respond to your emails?

  • YES – You probably do 5 key things.
  • NO – You could do 5 key things.

Subject Line:
Add “Response Needed” at the end of the subject line.

Make it positive and personalized to set the email tone and indicate this isn’t a mass email.

Call to Action:
Tell the reader what you want at the beginning of the email. Use bold, color or type size to further highlight your request/deadline.

Email content is best with:

  • 1 subject per email, to stay on topic
  • 1-3 short sentences per paragraph
  • bulleted points, for easy reading

Note: Emails between 50 and 125 words are 50% more likely to be read (according to Boomerang).

Solidify your relationship with the reader and encourage/discourage a response.

Use these 5 key tips to get a response to your emails, as the average office worker receives 120 emails every day.

Getting Emails Read

Thanks to Karen Turner for sharing this tip with us.

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