ALERT! A Fake Heartbleed Removal Tool Is Circulating. If You Get An Email With This Attachment, Don’t Open It.

Contact Us Right Away! “Heartbleed” one of the most serious vulnerabilities to ever hit the Internet,caused problems for wireless and wired networks around the world this past April. It exploited every website that existed on the Internet at that time. Symantec, a US-based technology company that makes security software, just uncovered a spam campaign using…

Heartbleed Key LoggerContact Us Right Away!

“Heartbleed” one of the most serious vulnerabilities to ever hit the Internet,caused problems for wireless and wired networks around the world this past April. It exploited every website that existed on the Internet at that time.

Symantec, a US-based technology company that makes security software, just uncovered a spam campaign using Heartbleed to scare unsuspecting users into installing malware on their computers.  This malware puts your data and your business at great risk.  

If you receive an email warning you that your computer may still be infected by the Heartbleed bug, and advising that you run the attached Heartbleed Removal Tool, BEWARE!  This is a keylogger that will capture every keystroke you make.

What to do? 

  • Don’t open the attachment.
  • Close the email immediately.
  • Contact Veltec Networks at (408) 849-4441 or  We’ll ensure the malware hasn’t gained access to your computer(s).

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